Welcome to our new look IP update – the latest insight into the cases and developments in IP law. We’ll uncover the news stories most relevant to you and provide insight into what they mean for your business.

To find out more, click here 

If you have any questions about the updates or any IP issues or challenges you’re facing, please contact Melanie McGuirk or Alexandria Winstanley.

Latest News

Chambers rankings 2025 – ‘They go head to head with the big firms’ - Pannone Corporate

This year’s Chambers 2025 rankings have been published, with Pannone once again featuring strongly – both for individual lawyers and teams. The Cham...

Pannone heads to Lisbon for the annual PLG Academy - Pannone Corporate

Pannone has been a member of PLG International Lawyers for over 30 years, providing the firm with access to a professional network of lawyers from across...

Grenfell Phase 2: key takeaways for the construction sector - Pannone Corporate

The Grenfell Phase 2 report has now been published. Whereas Phase 1, which was published in October 2019, focussed on events on the night of the fire,...


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In the latest of our quarterly retail law updates, we look at the news and legal developments affecting the sector.

It covers the hot topic of user generated content and the legal implications for brands. We also look at the IP case which will have a far-reaching impact on 3D original product and garment designs, as well as a guest post from Mazars on the online sales tax.

Read our quarterly update here

If you would like to discuss these topics in more detail, or have any questions, contact partner, Melanie McGuirk on 07790 882567 or email melanie.mcguirk @pannonecorporate-com.stackstaging.com

Latest News

Chambers rankings 2025 – ‘They go head to head with the big firms’ - Pannone Corporate

This year’s Chambers 2025 rankings have been published, with Pannone once again featuring strongly – both for individual lawyers and teams. The Cham...

Pannone heads to Lisbon for the annual PLG Academy - Pannone Corporate

Pannone has been a member of PLG International Lawyers for over 30 years, providing the firm with access to a professional network of lawyers from across...

Grenfell Phase 2: key takeaways for the construction sector - Pannone Corporate

The Grenfell Phase 2 report has now been published. Whereas Phase 1, which was published in October 2019, focussed on events on the night of the fire,...


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