My Life in Law – Danielle Amor
Pannone Corporate

Nearly a decade on from joining Pannone Corporate, Danielle Amor talks about her career, her passion for seeing clients get the outcome they deserve, her love of coffee, and the growing influence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the legal sector.

Tell us a little about your career before joining Pannone

I studied law at Durham, then took the LPC at Oxford before starting a two year training contract at an international law firm in London, which included six months working at ITV in the Rights and Business Affairs team. I worked there for about seven years before making the move back up north.

My first role in Manchester was in-house at Manchester United working on the then-record sponsorship deal with adidas, before moving back into private practice at Pannone. When I joined, the firm had only been formed a few months before, so it was a really exciting time to be starting.

In her current role as a director in the commercial team, Danielle advises on commercial contracts, intellectual property and data protection compliance, with a broad range of specialism across the experienced team covering retail, fashion, manufacturing, hospitality, media, IT and industrial services. It was that talent and expertise that attracted her to Pannone. I was drawn to the mix of excellent lawyers and high quality work.

Despite a few wobbles along the way when she considered packing it all in ‘for a life of wanderlust’,  Danielle remains committed to the profession and what can be achieved. I am really irked by injustice! I enjoy seeing clients achieve the outcome they deserve, particularly when they have been in a dispute and I am instructed to draft the settlement terms.

Danielle is also passionate about the important role lawyers have to play in a world that is already changing with the increasing use of technology, particularly AI. I can see why businesses might turn to AI for drafting contracts and legal letters when they don’t always receive the practical, commercial advice they need from legal advisors. However, the nuances and subtleties that the majority of our drafting requires, cannot be replicated by AI as it stands. This reinforces why we need to continue to keep our advice concise, relevant and responsive to our clients’ needs.

So what does a typical day look like? I prefer being in the office, so I usually get in around 9am after dropping the kids off at school and nursery. A lot of my work involves drafting long agreements, so there is a lot of time spent in front of a screen. We have regular team catch-ups and training sessions in the diary and most client meetings tend to be via Teams. I also try and go for a walk at lunchtime and get a coffee from Mancoco to power me through the afternoon.

Coffee is a clear favourite of Danielle’s. When asked what she would be doing if she didn’t have a career in law, she responded: I have always quite fancied running my own café selling coffee and cake.

What’s more, if Danielle was managing partner for the day, the first thing she would do is install a coffee machine!

Outside of work, Danielle is kept busy by her three young children and a springer spaniel! We enjoy getting out into the nearby countryside and back to my home town of Blackpool whenever the weather allows. I also enjoy baking birthday cakes (for the kids, not the dog!) and yoga to de-stress.

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