IP round up – August 2021
Pannone Corporate

In our first IP round-up, our team shares the latest IP headlines and legal developments from the UK and around the world.

We cover the new law for influencers posting edited photos introduced in Norway, Hendrick’s Gin’s copycat claim against Lidl (brought in Scotland but resulting in a UK wide ban on sales) and Adidas’s law suit against US designer Thom Browne for alleged infringement of its three stripe logo.

Read our monthly IP round up here: https://mailchi.mp/pannonecorporate/ip-round-up-august-5399161?e=%5bUNIQID

If you would like to discuss these topics in more detail or have any questions, contact Melanie or Amy:

Melanie McGuirk on 07790 882567 or email melanie.mcguirk @pannonecorporate-com.stackstaging.com

Amy Chandler 07920 237674 or email amy.chandler@pannonecorporate-com.stackstaging.com

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