HR Update: dismissal because of reputational risk; voluntary deductions and the NMW; unfair dismissal – the full story; liability for data breaches by rogue employees
Jack Harrington

What’s New?
This month we look at new ACAS guidance on working from home; remote right to work checks; an increase to compensation for injury to feelings in discrimination claims; the latest tribunal statistics; the last word on shared parental pay and sex discrimination; and proposals for the new points-based immigration system which will take effect from 1 January 2021.
For information about the employment law implications of the Covid-19 crisis and the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, please see the dedicated updates on our website


Unfair Dismissal – The Full Story
Can a dismissal be unfair if the dismissing officer is unaware that a complaint has been withdrawn? Yes, according to the EAT in the recent case of Uddin v London Borough of Ealing


National Minimum Wage
The EAT has held in the case of Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs v Middlesbrough Football Club that salary deducted from employees’ wages to purchase season tickets could not count towards the National Minimum Wage


Dismissal because of reputational risk
In the case of Lafferty v Nuffield Health the EAT considered whether an employee was fairly dismissed because of the potential reputational risk arising from criminal charges


Liability for data breaches by rogue employees
Is an employer vicariously liable for breaches of the Data Protection Act on the part of an employee who had a personal vendetta? No, held the Supreme Court in the case of VM Morrison Supermarkets plc v Various Claimants



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