Welcome to our March newsletter
In this edition, we look at the imminent changes which should be top of the agenda for HR teams and employers. Coming into force in April, this includes new National Minimum Wage rates and HMRC guidance on the extension off off-payroll working to the private sector. We also take a look at new pension legislation which will be introduced later this year.
Employers continue to rise to the challenge of managing the impact of the pandemic on employees and the workplace. We shine a light on the extension of workplace testing and updated guidance from Acas on vaccinations. Read more about one of the first employment tribunal decisions to emerge around Covid measures – an HGV driver was considered fairly dismissed by his employer after he had refused to wear a mask.
We report on the cases you need to know about, including a TUPE case with significant implications for organisations involved in outsourcing, two connected cases on the issue of religious discrimination, and a case about covert recording, which shows the devil is in the detail.
We welcome your feedback and questions, so please do get in touch.
What’s New March 2021
Budget Summary
Dismissal for refusing to wear a mask was fair
Eligibility for workplace COVID-19 testing and guidance updated
Underhand surveillance or protecting the business?
In the case of Northbay Pelagic Limited v Anderson, the Employment Appeal Tribunal had to decide whether the dismissal of an Employee for installing a camera in his office while suspended was within the “band of reasonable responses”.
Pensions Update
TUPE Transfer – to more than one employer
In the recent case of McTear Contracts Ltd v Bennett, the EAT has confirmed that where a service previously carried out by one provider is divided into two parts and awarded on re-tender to two new providers, employees may transfer to both of the new providers.